Wedding Bookings

Discover Unique Wedding & Reception Venues in Toronto and Vancouver

How it works

Wedding & reception booking made simple

  1. 01

    Send us some details about how you envision your day

  2. 02

    We’ll send back a detailed package and quote within 24hrs

  3. 03

    Sign-off on your event contract and make a deposit

  4. 04

    Show up, relax and enjoy, we’ve got this

Take your pick

Unique venues to say I do and bring your love story to life

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Toronto Financial District

Walrus Toronto

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Toronto King Street

Isabelle's Toronto

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Vancouver Financial District

Brass Fish Vancouver

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Feel at home at our house

Conect with our events team to plan a memorable wedding reception party sure to put feet and lips to work. We book events with a minimum spend model versus room rates to help customize your budget.

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Earn $5 to sign up, and 5% cashback every visit

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